Tuesday, July 9, 2013

MERCOLA: What the Science Says About Intermittent Fasting

What the Science Says About Intermittent Fasting


It's long been known that calorie restriction can increase the lifespan of certain animals. More recent research suggests that intermittent fasting can provide the same health benefits as constant calorie restriction, which may be helpful for those who cannot successfully reduce their everyday calorie intake

“Undernutrition without malnutrition” is the only experimental approach that consistently improves survival in animals with cancer, and extends overall lifespan by about 30 percent
Both intermittent fasting and continuous calorie restriction have been shown to produce weight loss and improve metabolic disease risk markers. However, intermittent fasting tends to be slightly more effective for reducing insulin resistance

Besides turning you into an efficient fat burner, intermittent fasting can also boost your level of human growth hormone (aka the “fitness hormone”) production by as much as 1,200 percent for women and 2,000 percent for men

Intermittent fasting can improve brain function by boosting production of the protein BDNF, which activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons and triggers other chemicals that promote neural health. This protein also protects your brain cells from changes associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and helps protect your neuro-muscular system from degradation


AZURE STANDARD: Low prices for healthy and whole foods


Tired of paying high prices for healthy and whole foods?
Azure Standard understands. They specialize in natural, organic, earth-friendly foods and products. Azure delivers directly to customers, buying clubs and retailers by semi truck and UPS. If you're new to Azure, start by reading the guide to getting started.

Some articles they have:

NEW VENDOR SPOTLIGHT - Soap may seem like a small thing, but for some it can be a LIFE SAVER. For Dwight Johnson, founder of Bend Soap Company, making soap is more than a business—it’s a cause. Dwight is on a mission to improve the lives of people everywhere. ...
by Leanne Haight - There is a resurgence of interest in eating fermented foods in America. For millennia, people have fermented foods to store and preserve them, and also for the health benefits. Dating back to the dawn of agriculture, at least one type of fermented food can be found in every culture around the world ...
Pat and Cher Sullivan wanted a change of pace for themselves and their girls – something that would get them closer to the land. ...


BIBLIOPLAN: History and Literature Curriculum

BiblioPlan for Families is a classical Christian history and literature curriculum designed for homeschoolers, homeschool cooperative students and Christian school students in grades K - 12. BiblioPlan offers fun, family-friendly lessons that enrich your children’s studies of all of these subjects:

Ancient History    Medieval History Modern History
U.S. History World History Biblical History
Geography Social Studies   Missionary Studies
Literature Art Creative Writing

BiblioPlan’s survey of history is divided into four years:

"BiblioPlan already has the selections of what to read laid out and paced out for you… It was designed by a group of brilliant home school moms who generously share with the rest of us how they implement TWTM approach to history..." - TWTM


SparkThisMarriage.com - Where Married Couples grow more in Love

SparkThisMarriage.com Christian Marriage Store

Spark This Marriage online boutique

The goal of SparkThisMarriage is to help married couples grow in love
and strengthen their marriage in every area. They are often heard saying, "Every married couple can use more spark!"
And right they are.
Each marriage has it's own unique issues, dreams, personality and dynamics. We can all use a little oomph here and there to keep things rolling in the right direction, right?
Make more of an effort to make your lifelong romance excellent in every way you can. At Spark, they have a collection of ways that will help enhance or put the sizzle back into your marriage, connect with the one you love best and build your marriage. Be in love. All the time. With the coolest person we ever met.
Isn't that the reason we all got married?

DuckDuckGo! For a Better Search with Privacy

DuckDuckGo! For a Better Search with Privacy

People are still just finding out about DuckDuckGo, the anonymous, better search. Most people find out about us through friends, family or colleagues. What works best is for people to try DuckDuckGo as their default for a few weeks. You can set them in browsers via the homepage (bottom right).

They believe in better search and real privacy at the same time. That's why they:

Try DuckDuckGo for a week!

Follow @duckduckgo on Twitter Like DuckDuckGo on Facebook

Earthineer: Facebook For Farmers & Self Sustainable


Earthineer looks to support and promote sustainability as a lifestyle choice. We believe that farming, homesteading, and self-reliance should be celebrated. At its core, that is what Earthineer is about - making a stronger connection to nature, being a good steward of the land, and bringing a renewal to our sense of community.
    All of the content is user-driven. We credit our members with making the site what it is today.

How did this site come about?

    It all started with a barn-raising. 8 years ago, Dan and Leah Adams participated in a barn-raising in southern Indiana. It was that experience that they credit with the decision to make a lifestyle change. They started re-skilling themselves - rehabbing an old house, planting and growing, seed saving, learning about soil and composting, canning, preserving, and pickling.
    After working at a software development firm for 9 years, Dan was laid off in 2006 and started his own business as a software consultant. At the end of 2008, the economy staggered (as did his consultant work), and in 2009 their son, Noah, was born- these two events served as further catalysts for change. At the end of 2010, Dan decided to combine what he knew (programming) with what he was passionate about, and started what was to become Earthineer...even better, his wife was willing to let him do it.

The War Between The States - The One Book You Need

'If you can have only one book on the Civil War, this is it.'

Whether your ancestors donned the uniform of Billy Yank or Johnny Reb — or even if they took no part in the great conflict that divided North and South — every American today needs to understand the causes and implications of the War Between the States.

To address this need, Vision Forum is pleased to introduce you to a landmark book that puts this war into context like no other work published in modern times — The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War, by John L. Dwyer.

Back in print for the 150th anniversary of the War thanks to the efforts of the Western Conservatory for the Arts, this lavishly illustrated resource was not published to provoke new hostilities, but so Americans might better understand the hot and brutal passions that exploded into a bloody quarrel between brothers.

What caused the rift between North and South? What were the worldviews in conflict that led to this bloody conflagration? What role did slavery play in the process? What happened in the various fields of battle, and who were the heroes that emerged from the fog of war? And what is the legacy of Reconstruction — both good and bad?

[Learn more and purchase this important book](To address this need, Vision Forum is pleased to introduce you to a landmark book that puts this war into context like no other work published in modern times — The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War, by John L. Dwyer.
Back in print for the 150th anniversary of the War thanks to the efforts of the Western Conservatory for the Arts, this lavishly illustrated resource was not published to provoke new hostilities, but so Americans might better understand the hot and brutal passions that exploded into a bloody quarrel between brothers.

Learn more and purchase this important collection.